What Millennials Need to Know About Life

How to value life insurance as a millennial. If you’re a millennial, then you’re likely at the age where you’re taking out student loans, buying or renting a place to live, having kids, and purchasing insurance. These major life events for millennials make it extremely important to have a financial security net. However, a lot Read More

The Sanders Single-Payer Plan Is No Miracle Cure

The latest in the Medicare update. In September 2017, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the legislation ‘Medicare for all’, which would enroll all American into the nation’s Medicare program within four years. Senator Sanders, the Vermont independent, argues that his proposal would create a system that ‘works not just for millionaires and billionaires, but for all Read More

Why Are Drug Prices So High? We’re Curious, Too

We take a look into the world of health care prices.  With the ever-increasing prices of prescription drugs comes the disgruntlement of the general public. The recent health care concerns have been so highlighted that even President Trump has vowed to do something about it. Even so, it is unclear as to why prices have Read More

Amid Opioid Crisis, Insurers Restrict Pricey, Less Addictive Painkillers

Drug companies and doctors are being questioned about medical pain relievers. At a time when the nation is in the grip of an opioid epidemic, many insurers are limiting access to pain medications that carry a lower risk of addiction or dependence, even as they provide comparatively easy access to generic opioid medications. Experts say Read More