Why Your Age Makes a Difference When Buying Life Insurance

Your age and your life insurance policy.  Life insurance premiums are based on two major factors: age and health. All other factors being equal, the younger and healthier you are, the cheaper your life insurance policy will be. Many people are unaware of this, which means that they wait until they are older and possibly Read More

Three Costly Life Insurance Traps to Avoid

Avoid making these life insurance traps that could cost you.  Before you buy a life insurance policy, you should know the mistakes that previous policyholders have done. This helps you to navigate the life insurance industry and secure the right coverage for your needs. If you don’t, you could end up paying too much, securing Read More

How Medicare For All Might Harm Seniors

The latest update on Medicare for all. Medicare for all is a Bernie Sanders plan that aims to bring all Americans into a government-run health care system resembling Medicare. Over the next few months, we can expect to hear a lot about this potential plan. When Sanders introduced the plan in 2016, it had fringe Read More

Situations Where You Should Purchase Life Insurance

Consider buying life insurance in these situations. If you believe that life insurance is only for wealthy people, you’re in for a big surprise. Life insurance is so important because it protects your family and those who depend on you financially when you are no longer around to do so. If pays one or more Read More