Pros and Cons of Life Insurance with a Long-Term Care Rider

Looking at both sides of a long-term care rider. Should you consider buying life insurance with a long-term care rider? Studies continue to show that Americans will require long-term care at some point in their lives, as much as up to 70 percent. Typical costs for long-term care facilities can run anywhere between $70,000 to Read More

5 Superfoods That Lower Blood Pressure

Try these foods that help hypertension for National Blood Pressure Month. High blood pressure is a health issue that affects both young and old Americans like. Alarmingly, it’s one of the leading risk factors for death and disability across the nation, as well as across the world. One of the easiest steps you can take to Read More

Realizing the Full Extent of Your Human Life Value

What is your human life value and why does it matter? You wouldn’t think of insuring half of your car, home or other important personal property, would you? Yet, when people are looking to purchase life insurance, a common perception is that only some people need coverage or those that do have insurance only opt Read More

National Mental Health Awareness Month: Taking Care of Your Mind

Improve your mental health this month.   Your brain is a perfect machine. It stores a precious treasure chest of experiences and memories that make up a huge part of who you are. Taking care of your brain and mental health is important for physical and overall health. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, Read More