3 Benefits Millennials Want from Their Employers

What benefits do Millennials want in the workforce as they become the largest living generation?

We all want our children to have better lives than we did, and it’s our duty to do just that. The workplace is no exception: child labor laws and anti-discrimination laws are just a couple of examples of things that seem so obvious now, but, at the time, were seen as radical and unnecessary. Millennials now want to change the dynamic of employee benefits and, with numbers on their side, have made huge strides in achieving their goals. Whether you love or hate Millennials, the truth is that they will make up the majority of the workforce (your employees included) within the half-decade. Here are three benefits Millennials want from their employers that could bring in the best-qualified applicants to your doorstep, begging for a job.

  1. Working Remotely. Millennials want the option to work from home—even if it’s just one day. Research and data support the hypothesis that Millennials do not slack off during their home working hours, and actually increase productivity because they don’t have everyday workplace distractions.
  2. Continuation of Performance Assessments. While there has been a tendency to call Millennials needy because of this, this is actually how this generation has been taught to learn. Millennials are hungry to learn and grow into their careers and easily become bored if not engaged or feeling fulfilled.
  3. Unlimited Paid Time Off. Before you lose your mind over this concept, take a deep breath! There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that Millennials are NOT taking advantage of this, but are actually being more cognizant of how much time they’re taking off and how it affects their work, leading to increased productivity and output.

Millennials are just like any other generation in history that has come before them–simply, a group of individuals that have adapted to a new age trying to make their way through this maze we all call life. The right group policy will protect your employees as they strive to be the best workers and people they can possibly be. Contact Donald Weiss Insurance Services today! Our team can shop coverage options and put together the best group insurance for your business!


By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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