5 Reasons Why Vision Insurance for Employees is Important

The health of employees’ eyes is becoming increasingly important because many jobs now revolve around screen technology. Unfortunately, not all companies offer sufficient eye care benefits to their workers. Moreover, over 75 percent of the U.S. adult population needs some kind of vision correction. This huge number shows why you need to ensure your employees have the right eye care coverage.

Here is why vision benefits should be an essential part of your benefits package.

  1. Improves Performance and Productivity

    Increasingly, employees rely on technology and spend a lot of time staring at screens. Unfortunately, this can result in eye issues, which in turn, can hamper employees’ productivity.  79 percent of workers experience visual disturbance that impacts their work, according to the Employee Perceptions of Vision Benefits survey.  Over half of the workers reported taking a break from work daily because their eyes hurt. Therefore, by prioritizing your employees’ eye health, you can ensure that your workforce is healthier, happier, and more productive.

  2. Helps Prevent Chronic Health Conditions and Vision Loss

    Regular eye exams can significantly impact your employees’ overall health. During the yearly comprehensive eye exam, doctors can assess your workers’ eyes and identify early signs of chronic conditions such as hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes that may otherwise go unnoticeable. Exams can also help stop common eye conditions, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, from causing blindness. Therefore, providing eye care benefits can ensure your employees preserve their eyesight or get early medical care for chronic conditions.

  3. Increases Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Motivation

    Both your business and your workers will thrive when you’re transparent, flexible, and considerate when it comes to the workplace benefits you offer. A 2021 study revealed that 80 percent of workers would rather have benefits package than a pay rise. Therefore, providing eye care benefits is an excellent way of showing your employees that you value them. Employees who feel appreciated tend to be more productive, engaged, and motivated.

  4. Reduces Costs

    You can save thousands of dollars by providing vision coverage to your employees. According to Employee Benefit News, for every dollar a company invests in workers’ vision coverage, they gain $7.

  5. Helps Attract and Retain Talent

    A recent survey by Wakefield Research found that 90 percent of workers believed that companies that include vision benefits in their employee benefits package tend to be more caring about the well-being of their employees. The study also reveals that about 90 percent of workers are more likely to stay with a company that provides high-quality eye care benefits, like coverage for lens options and premium frames.

    Employees today want to work in enterprises that care about eye health, provide education on how eyewear can protect and improve eye health, as well as provide excellent eye care benefits. With the increasing prevalence of eye conditions linked to increased screen time, employees increasingly demand more comprehensive vision benefits. By offering better vision benefits, you’ll attract and retain talent as well as enhance productivity in your company.

At Donald Weiss Insurance Services, we will help you get vision insurance that suits your budget as well as your employees’ needs. Contact us today to learn more.


By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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