6 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Help yourself during this time with these top relaxation tips.


Living and working through a pandemic is a scary time for us all. The news about COVID-19 continues to saturate the news, social media outlets, and newspapers. It can spark feelings of anxiousness and stress for everyone. To help, we’ve rounded up a few essential tips on how you can reduce stress.


  • Reduce your exposure to the news

Whether you catch up on the news on TV, through the radio or your smartphone, it’s important that you limit your exposure to it. Scare-mongering is a very real thing, and hearing too much bad news and too many warnings can cause you to feel overwhelmed and depressed. Instead, turn off your device and indulge in your favorite hobby or catch up with a loved one.


  • Get a good night’s sleep

It’s hard to be in good health if you don’t have enough sleep. Lack of sleep can have as big an impact on health as not eating or drinking. Cut out the afternoon caffeine and wind down before bed to help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

  • Practice deep breathing

Deep breathing is an instant mood lifter. When we experience stress, we automatically start shallow breathing. Resetting your stress levels with a bit of deep breathing and mindfulness can give you relief in minutes.


  • Think positive

Maintain the effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. One way to do this is to envision the results that you want rather than thinking about the results of which you’re afraid. Another approach is to practice positive affirmations such as, ‘I can do this,’ and ‘I can overcome this obstacle.’


  • Listen to music

Research points to multiple ways in which music can help relieve stress, from triggering biochemical stress reducers to assisting in treating stress associated with medical procedures.


  • Catch up with loved ones

Even if you are unable to visit your loved ones face-to-face, you can use apps such as Skype and Zoom to chat to them and connect. This is a great way to share your thoughts and emotions, seeking the comfort of your support network.


The current climate can seem daunting, but we will get through this together. Do you have questions concerning the virus and your health insurance? Then don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Donald Weiss Insurance Services. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all your insurance needs.


By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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