The Healthiest Things You Can Do for Yourself This Fall

Healthy fall habits to adopt.

While the colors of autumn may have us dazzled by the season, but fall often brings adverse weather, cold and flu season, and a seasonal blues. Because of these factors, we often need to give our immune system a little TLC to help us live healthily until the warmer weather arrives. Check out some of these healthy fall habits to adopt.

Get Outside

The cooler weather means we huddle inside for warmth. However, getting outside in the fresh air and catching some vitamin D from the sunshine is still important. Make a habit of taking a brisk walk in the park or meditating outdoors to get your daily dose of nature.

Drink More Water

In the fall and winter, it’s natural for us to not feel as thirsty. We’re not as hot and we’re not sweating, so we may not sip on water as often. However, our bodies still need plenty of H20 to operate efficiently. If you can’t face drinking cold water on a cold day, sip on herbal teas and freshly made fruit juices to ensure you’re staying hydrated. Keep away from caffeine as this tends to dehydrate our bodies.


Just ten minutes a day of meditation can help you to calm the chatter in your mind and adopt a more focused approach. If you’re new to meditation, start by downloading the Headspace app that will guide you through the process. Research has found that meditation can be correlated with improved immune functioning, decreased pain, less anxiety, increased happiness, and improved focus.

Hit the Gym

It may not be ideal to do your outdoor class or run around the park when it’s dark, cold, or raining, but that doesn’t mean you should skip exercising. Find a workout that you enjoy, whether it’s a yoga class or hitting the gym. Once you find something you love to do, it will be easier to sustain it throughout the winter months.

Get Enough Sleep

The festive season is almost upon us, and that means parties, gatherings, shopping, and much, much more. With all that on the horizon, it’s important to ensure we obtain enough rest each night to fuel our days. Get into the habit now of catching at least 8 hours of sleep every night that will help you continue this practice into winter.

Taking care of your health and wellbeing should be your first priority. Contact the insurance professionals at Donald Weiss Insurance Services in Santa Monica for all of your health care coverage needs throughout Southern California.


By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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