How to Encourage Someone You Love to Apply for Life Insurance

Tips to help someone you love realize the importance of life insurance.

Life insurance is beneficial for just about everyone in any situation. It helps to protect your loved ones and family when you are no longer around to do so. Even if you have a reliable policy in place, your loved ones may not. It can be hard to encourage your loved ones to get life insurance because it often involves discussing the fact that they might die. But happily, there are ways to get those you care about to take steps to look after their dependents if the worst should happen.

Encouraging your spouse to get life insurance

Discussing life insurance with anyone isn’t an easy topic to broach, but it’s important that you do, especially to your spouse. If he or she is your partner, you are an inevitable part of the discussion, since you’re the probable beneficiary, and protecting your financial wellbeing is the reason to get life insurance.

Discuss concerns about finances if one of you were to pass suddenly. Think about if one of you has all of the responsibility of paying for the mortgage, shared debts, and other expenses. Remember that both spouses need individual life insurance policies to help financially protect each other.

If you have children – or plan to – you could start talking about how you’d cover their expenses if the worst should happen.

Why now?

Healthy people often think they can put off getting life insurance until the last moment. However, not only is this risky, but life insurance premiums are cheaper while you’re younger and healthier. You can secure peace of mind and protection now while enjoying low premiums.

Make sure you have the right life policy that steps in when your family needs it the most. Talk to a trusted life insurance advisor to determine your policy and coverage exactly. Contact Donald Weiss Insurance Services to get started on your coverage today.


By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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