How to Handle the Stress of Working from Home

Are you finding yourself working from home more often? If so, you may be struggling without having the option to go into the office and mingle with other people. You may even be working longer hours without a healthy work/life balance. All of this can lead up to feeling stressed in day-to-day life. If there is no option to visit the workplace yet, then take a look at these tools on how to handle the stress of working from home in a healthy way.


Set a schedule

While it is freeing to be able to set your own schedule, it’s vital to have some form of structure when working from home. When working in the comfort of your own space, it can be tempting to sleep in and do chores in the day, then push work into the evenings, leaving you working until late at night. Distractions will come from all sides, so it’s essential that you work on how to navigate them so that you have time to work and time to rest. For many, the key to setting a structure is as follows:

  • Work when you work best. If you’re a morning person, schedule your most important work tasks for the morning. If you’re a night owl, prioritize work in the afternoon.
  • Complete the most challenging tasks first so that you can shift through your to-do list without running into time hurdles.
  • Make use of technology throughout the day. You can track your social media screen time (to help yourself use it less), remind yourself to work when you become distracted for too long, create to-do lists, and more.


Stay connected

Although there’s no replacement for a face-to-face conversation, there are ways to stay connected when apart. It’s essential that you work to ramp up your social time with colleagues and friends when working from home. A call here, a video chat there will help you to feel more connected and socialized. You may choose to start a Zoom chat for your local community or inspire your team to have a digital happy hour together. There are many ways to stay connected, so be sure to use them throughout this time.


Get comfortable saying no

You may be faced with many requests, most of which you need to refuse if you want to have enough time to get everything done. If can be surprisingly difficult to say to people you don’t owe your time to, simply because most of us can find a reason why ‘yes’ is a perfectly reasonable answer. Whatever the challenge, realize that saying no is acceptable, especially if you want to keep time to yourself.



Don’t be hard on yourself

No one knew this was how 2020 was going to pan out. It has been a trying time for so many of us, and we can all feel down about the situation. The best way to stress less and feel happier is to make the most of what you have and to be kind to yourself every day. If you are struggling, ask for help. Schedule time to do things for you, such as self-care routines.


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By Donald Weiss Insurance Services

Donald Weiss Insurance Services offers a full range of insurance products and services that provide affordable protection for individuals, families, and businesses. As an independent insurance broker, we can provide you with objective information to help you make informed decisions so you can select the coverage and insurance company that best fits your needs.

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